Well, I’ve been in Cape Town SA for 10 days now and I’m due back next week. I feel I just had to blog about some of the food I’ve been eating over here.

Trying not to rub it in, but its summer over here which means lots of food cooked outside and on the BBQ. The best meat of all is Ostrich meat. It’s a red meat that tastes simply sublime and contains very little fat. Ostrich is the new cow!

Luckily, ostrich meat is becoming more popular in the UK, you’re most likely to find it at markets (in both steak and minced form).

Fresh fruit and veg is also in ample supply, so I’ve been making plenty of fruit smoothies – perfect for balancing out the after affects of South Africa’s famous wines from the night before!

Best get back to the sun, its waiting for me!

Warren Nash This post was written
by on November 17, 2010

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