How to make the perfect cup of tea

Here is how to make the perfect cup of tea using loose tea leaves and a teapot.

  1. Pour in 1 ½ teaspoons worth of tea into the teapot for your first mug of tea. Then an extra ½ teaspoons worth for each extra mug.
  2. Boil water from the kettle, leave to settle then pour into the teapot.
  3. Place on a tea cosy and leave to brew for between 3-4 minutes.
  4. After the brewing time, stir the tea in the pot.
  5. Pour the tea into the mugs through a tea strainer before pouring in the milk.
  6. Slowly pour in the semi-skimmed or whole milk whilst stirring and add sugar if needed.
  7. Then enjoy the perfect cup of tea.

Want to see how it’s done? Check out the video below.

Warren Nash This guide was written by Warren Nash on 25/01/2016