High Fibre Foods

What is fibre

Fibre is a type of carbohydrate found in plant-based foods. It’s generally not broken down as it passes through the digestive system.

What is fibre for?

By providing substance and bulk to waste products (by absorbing water), fibre helps waste move through the digestive system and bowel, and in-turn, keeps them healthy. By eating high fibre foods, you prevent unwanted toxins staying in the body, it is therefore good for helping the body excrete waste products as easily, quickly, and pain-free as possible!

Foods that are a good source of fibre

Insoluble Fibre

Soluble Fibre

  • Bran
  • Wholemeal flour
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Brown rice
  • Whole grain cereals
  • Fruit and Vegetables
  • Fruit and Vegetables
  • Lentils
  • Beans
  • Peas
  • Oats
  • Potatoes

Types of fibre and their benefits

Insoluble - This makes waste material soft and bulky which helps prevent bowel problems such as constipation and allows waste to pass through easily.

Soluble fibre - This absorbs water through the intestines which helps to soften stools, helping waste pass through the intestine easier and quicker. Soluble fibre also slows down digestion, helping with the slow release of energy, as well as helping to reduce cholesterol.

Recommended daily allowance

It is recommended that you have at least 18g of fibre per day. If you up your fibre intake, be sure to drink more water because of the amount of extra fluid the fibre will be absorbing.

Fibre and Maintaining a balanced diet

It's important to include a combination of fibre, healthy fats and protein. Mixing fibre and protein is also a good idea when thinking of long-term energy and staying fuller for longer.

Image courtesy of Dorota Trupp

Warren Nash This guide was written by Warren Nash on 12/07/2012